Winter Rescue Hand Treatment
Are your hands suffering? Do they need more than just a manicure?
La Petite Nail Bar can help with your dry hands this winter.
Winter Rescue Hand Treatment (with heated mittens) is a new service for 2022.
Not only a luxurious and relaxing experience it's also packed with benefits.
This treatment includes a gorgeous-smelling hand scrub, plus a moisturising hand masque, organic jojoba oil
and a relaxing hand & lower arm massage.
The Benefits:
Opens the skin pores allowing deeper penetration of the masque and oil.
Softens hand skin & cuticles.
Hydrates nails and helps prevent hang nails.
Improves circulation.
Soothes and relaxes joints & muscles.
Longer Lasting Benefits:
Hands look rejuvenated.
Softer, smoother skin.
Sounds too good to be true?
Try it for yourself, its a perfect treatment add-on to your manicure for these cold winter months.