Facials Improve Blood Circulation
A study says that massage improves blood circulation in your body and the same applies to your face. Improved blood circulation in your face means that your blood cells get lots of oxygen and nutrients that are carried along with the blood. This translates to healthier, efficient cells and a glowing face.
Facials Reduce Stress and Relieve Psychological Distress
A facial massage activates your sympathetic nervous system. This reduces your anxiety levels and uplifts your mood. There are hundreds of pressure points on your face that are connected to various systems in your body. When these pressure points are massaged your body responds to it. A good facial massage not only just keeps your skin glowing but it also affects the functioning of other organs. This is kind of an excercise for your face.
Facials Cleanse Your Skin
An excellent facial will cleanse your face thoroughly which is not possible at home. Think of it this way... you have all the medicines at home but you still need to visit the doctor.
Facials Exfoliate Your Skin
Exfoliation is the process where dead skin cells are gently removed off the skin's surface. Cells die and build up on the surface of the skin and if not removed make your skin rough and dry. While you can exfoliate your skin using a scrub at home, if you want to remove dead skin cells properly then going for a facial is the best option.